Russia-Iran trade and economic cooperation


  • Agepsim Isaakovich Ashkalov North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk
  • Raisa Egorovna Redkina North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk
  • Natalya Yurevna Rud North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk
  • Marina Nikolaevna Piskovatskaya North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk


foreign economic activity, trade relations, sanctions, Islamic economy


Given the importance of trade relations between Russia and Iran and the emergence of new opportunities, the Russian government is trying to initiate a dialogue. The military-technical sphere seems to be the most promising area of cooperation. The lifting of sanctions has complicated the political relations between Moscow and Tehran. For this reason, exporting requires intergovernmental agreements between Russia and Iran that might create opportunities for business. However, businessmen who intend to export goods or services to Iran should clearly understand that they will have to act within the framework of another economy - the Islamic economy - according to the Quran principles.

Author Biographies

Agepsim Isaakovich Ashkalov, North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk

Candidate of Economic Sciences
Place of work, post: North-Caucasus Federal University, (branch) in Pyatigorsk (56 pr. 40 let Oktyabrya, Pyatigorsk, 357500) Institute of Service, Tourism and Design - Assistent Professor of the Department of World Economy and Customs

Raisa Egorovna Redkina, North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk

Place of work, post: North-Caucasus Federal University, (branch) in Pyatigorsk (56 pr. 40 let Oktyabrya, Pyatigorsk, 357500) Institute of Service, Tourism and Design - Senior Lecturer of the Department of World Economy and Customs

Natalya Yurevna Rud, North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: North-Caucasus Federal University, (branch) in Pyatigorsk (56 pr. 40 let Oktyabrya, Pyatigorsk, 357500) Institute of Service, Tourism and Design - Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy and Customs

Marina Nikolaevna Piskovatskaya, North-Caucasus Federal University (branch) in Pyatigorsk

Place of work, post: North-Caucasus Federal University, (branch) in Pyatigorsk (56 pr. 40 let Oktyabrya, Pyatigorsk, 357500) Institute of Service, Tourism and Design - Senior Lecturer of the Department of World
Economy and Customs



How to Cite

Ashkalov, A. I., Redkina, R. E., Rud, N. Y., & Piskovatskaya, M. N. (2024). Russia-Iran trade and economic cooperation. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 46–57. Retrieved from



Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation