Bakery products market: procurement management in foreign trade companies


  • Marina Vladimirovna Zints Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Angelina Romanovna Chernova Good Food Ltd



bakery products market, bakery market trends, customer preferences, purchasing activities, procurement management


Bread and bakery products can be considered strategically important products as they are included in almost every consumer basket and therefore will always be in demand. However, the fierce competition in the modern global market and changes in the consumer taste preferences force companies promptly improve the ways of producing and delivering bakery products. To improve the effectiveness of the company’s purchasing activities companies should pay special attention to: current trends in the bakery market that influence product range changes; reliable supplying by creating a transparent system for selecting suppliers; external and internal market factors. Besides, it is necessary to have a flexible management system, including procurement activities that will allow companies to quickly adapt to external changes.

Author Biographies

Marina Vladimirovna Zints, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (6A Vorobiyovskoye Shosse, 119285 Moscow),
Department of management and marketing – Associate Professor

Angelina Romanovna Chernova, Good Food Ltd

Place of work, post: Good Food Ltd (4 Lukov lane, Moscow, 107045), Import manager



How to Cite

Zints, M. V., & Chernova, A. R. (2024). Bakery products market: procurement management in foreign trade companies. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (7), 67–78.



Foreign trade activity