5 years of the Programme “Translator in the sphere of professional communication” at the Russian Foreign Trade Academy. Results. (The experience in teaching professionally oriented translation to International law students)


  • Nadezhda Vasilyevna Dancheeva Russian Foreign Trade Academy


translator, professional communication, linguistic competence, intercultural competence, mediator competence, professional competence, translation, theory and practice of translation, stages of translation


The article describes the experience of launching the training Programme “Translator in the sphere of professional communication” at the International law faculty, Russian Foreign Trade Academy. The article analyzes the contents of the Programme whose successful completion helps law students acquire further translation competences: the competence of discourse, i.e. the skill of constructing discursive statements and texts, strategic competence, professional and mediatory competences. The article reveals the main stages of the Programme implementation: from the general linguistic subjects to more specific ones, from the theory of translation to its practice. It also dwells on the main stages of practical translation: preparation, analysis, synthesis and correction. The article specifies the format, contents and requirements to the state exam in
practical translation.

Author Biography

Nadezhda Vasilyevna Dancheeva, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of philological science, associate professor, professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, the English language department of the International law faculty, Head of the department



How to Cite

Dancheeva, N. V. (2024). 5 years of the Programme “Translator in the sphere of professional communication” at the Russian Foreign Trade Academy. Results. (The experience in teaching professionally oriented translation to International law students). Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (10), 85–93. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/1331



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