Foreign investment in Russia: opportunities and limitations


  • Irina Anatolievna Kvashnina The Institute of Economics, RAS


Capital imports, balance of payments, foreign direct investment, investment climate, FDI regulatory restrictiveness index


The article considers the dynamics and types of incoming foreign investment, their changes in this century and the impact on the Russian economy. The author analyzes the industrial structure of foreign direct investment and the possibility of their use for economic modernization. There have been positive developments related to the penetration of foreign capital in the Russian industry. These processes occur with the direct participation of the state. At the same time, based on the analysis of international experience and the Russian legislation the author concludes that unjustified restrictions and barriers to long-term strategic investment are still exist and makes suggestions how to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Author Biography

Irina Anatolievna Kvashnina, The Institute of Economics, RAS

Candidate of Economic Sciences
Place of work, post: The Institute of Economics, RAS, Center for Foreign Economic Studies, Chief Researcher



How to Cite

Kvashnina, I. A. (2024). Foreign investment in Russia: opportunities and limitations. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 78–91. Retrieved from



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