Управление ценовой политикой фармацевтических компаний на российском рынке


  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Uvarov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Babken Edwardovich Charchan Russian Foreign Trade Academy


Price, price formation, adaptation of the price, Russian pharmaceutical market, state regulation, home producer, foreign manufacturer, marketing link


Adaptation of the price of the Russian pharmaceutical market has several features. The article, based on the specifics of the pharmaceutical market shows that the pricing of the drugs is influenced by a number of special factors, that are unique to the pharmaceutical market. The author describes in detail the impact on pricing factors such as governmental regulation. In particular, elements of state regulation of prices for drugs in the Russian Federation, as well as the technique for recording the prices of vital and essential medicines are considered. The author classifies the adaptation of prices in the Russian pharmaceutical market and highlights its features depending on the manufacturer (domestic or foreign), and depending on the supply chain (wholesale or retail).


Author Biographies

Vladimir Vladimirovich Uvarov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Ph.D. (Economics), full professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Academic Department of Management and Marketing, Professor

Babken Edwardovich Charchan, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Academic Department of Management and Marketing, external PhD Student



How to Cite

Uvarov, V. V., & Charchan, B. E. (2024). Управление ценовой политикой фармацевтических компаний на российском рынке. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 50–59. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/1135



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