International Financial Center in Moscow as a factor of providing economic security of Russia


  • Igor Vladimirovich Gorn Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin»
  • Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullayev nstitute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Darya Alekseyevna Ivanona LLC "RE Project Development"
  • Julia Sergeyevna Kibardina Institute for Regional Economic Studies


International financial center (IFC) in Moscow, economic security, mechanisms of the formation of IFCs, regional features, megalopolis


Russia's relations with the leading Western countries that have escalated in recent times due to the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the introduction of U.S. and EU sanctions reducing the sovereign ratings of several Russian banks actualize the issue of forming an International Financial Center in Moscow in order to ensure the economic security of Russia. In the article, objective prerequisites and competitive advantages of creation of IFC are considered; mechanisms for increasing infrastructure security of the economy of the megalopolis are offered. The factor analysis of the position of Moscow against other financial centers of the world is given; the necessity and a new economical and financial role of Moscow under current conditions are justified.

Author Biographies

Igor Vladimirovich Gorn, Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin»

Ph.D. ( Economics)
Place of work, post: Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin» (SibNIA), Deputy Director

Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullayev, nstitute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Economics, full professor
Place of work, post: Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director (Science)

Darya Alekseyevna Ivanona, LLC "RE Project Development"

Ph.D. (Economics)
Place of work, post: LLC ‘RE Project Development’, Project Development Head

Julia Sergeyevna Kibardina, Institute for Regional Economic Studies

Ph.D. ( Economics)
Place of work, post: Institute for Regional Economic Studies - research scientist; Public Joint Stock Company ‘Fondservice-Bank’ (Moscow), Bank Risk Administration, Department for Risk Control & Management, Chief Expert



How to Cite

Gorn, I. V., Ziyadullayev, N. S., Ivanona, D. A., & Kibardina, J. S. (2024). International Financial Center in Moscow as a factor of providing economic security of Russia. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (6), 29–43. Retrieved from



World economy