Current state of investment cooperation between Russia and Serbia


  • Mariya Andreyevna Maksakova MGIMO University of the Foreign Ministry of the RF


Russia, Serbia, investment cooperation, South Stream, European Union, Western Balkans


The article covers the scope and dynamics of investment cooperation between Russia and Serbia. Recently this cooperation has reached a new level and continues to diversify and expand rapidly. First of all, it can be confirmed by the quantity of investment projects implemented by Russian companies in Serbian direction. Large projects are mainly realised in energy and infrastructure spheres. However, investment in other sectors is considered as prospective and tends to increase. Russian «Balkan breakthrough» is confirmed by Russian investors’ success and results in Serbia. As for the Serbian investment into Russian economy, it is obvious that they are still at a low level. Nevertheless, there are some examples of successful Serbian projects. Prospects for further development of bilateral cooperation directly depend on the conjunction of both parties’ efforts. It is essential to continue using potential opportunities in the most effective way in order to strengthen Russia’s position in Serbia and eventually throughout the Western Balkans.

Author Biography

Mariya Andreyevna Maksakova, MGIMO University of the Foreign Ministry of the RF

Place of work, post: MGIMO University of the Foreign Ministry of the RF, Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Ties, post-graduate student



How to Cite

Maksakova, M. A. (2024). Current state of investment cooperation between Russia and Serbia. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 85–100. Retrieved from



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