Trends and methods of international competition at the beginning of the XXI century: geo-economic, trade and political aspects


  • Andrej Nikolaevich Spartak All-Rusian Market Resaerch Institute

Ключевые слова:

International competition, geoeconomic shifts, research and development, innovation, access to natural resources, financial export support, export credit agencies, regional (preferential) trade agreements, financial protectionism


The article deals mainly with the geoeconomic and trade policy aspects of international competition, focusing on the most recent trends and developments. Special attention is paid to changing global economic landscape, state-driven competition in innovation and regarding access to natural resources, growing export support activity, as well as increasing the importance of preferential trade agreements and “families” of such agreements in shaping global competitive framework. Account is also taken of new competitive pressures arising from financial markets.

Биография автора

Andrej Nikolaevich Spartak, All-Rusian Market Resaerch Institute

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russia
Place of work, post: All-Rusian Market Resaerch Institute, The Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Head of Department




Как цитировать

Spartak, A. N. (2024). Trends and methods of international competition at the beginning of the XXI century: geo-economic, trade and political aspects. Российский внешнеэкономический вестник, (1), 33–45. извлечено от



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