Russia’s accession to the OECD: features of chemicals legislative harmonization


  • Nina Alexandrovna Efimova Center for Basic Research Russian Academy of Foreign Trade

Ключевые слова:

Accession to the OECD, chemicals, Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals (MAD system), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)


The study analyzes the OECD international standards for chemicals regulation. The author considers to what extent the legislation in Russia meets the requirements of the OECD and formulates specific tasks that are needed to be accomplished in order to bring the Russian legislation into harmony with the OECD standards as well as to speed up the process of Russia’s accession to this international organization. Accomplishment of the tasks will allow Russia to get approval from the OECD Chemicals Committee and will make a positive impact on the overall assessment of the OECD Council on Russia’s readiness to access the OECD. 

Биография автора

Nina Alexandrovna Efimova, Center for Basic Research Russian Academy of Foreign Trade

Place of work, post: Center for Basic Research Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Researcher




Как цитировать

Efimova, N. A. (2024). Russia’s accession to the OECD: features of chemicals legislative harmonization. Российский внешнеэкономический вестник, (1), 37–43. извлечено от



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