Russia’s participation in multilateral export control regimes as a tool to protect the interests of Russian exporters


  • Liliya Sergeyevna Revenko MGIMO (University)
  • Nikolay Sergeyevich Revenko RANEPA

Ключевые слова:

Export control, multilateral export control regimes, non-tariff regulatory measures


The article considers the use of export controls as a non-tariff regulatory measure. It contains information on the existing multilateral export control regimes (the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Zangger Committee, the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Australia Group, the Wassenaar Arrangement), on major elements (legislation, lists, license, law enforcement) and common functioning principles of national export control systems of all countries, on the Russian export control system. The authors clarify the terms ‘Catch-all’ and ‘Catch-more’, explain the importance of Russian participation in multilateral export control regimes and suggest a measure to undercut negative influence of export controls on Russian exporters.

Биографии авторов

Liliya Sergeyevna Revenko, MGIMO (University)

Doctor of Economics, Professor
Place of work, post: MGIMO (University), professor

Nikolay Sergeyevich Revenko, RANEPA

PhD in Politics
Place of work, post: RANEPA, Head of the Department of International Cooperation




Как цитировать

Revenko, L. S., & Revenko, N. S. (2024). Russia’s participation in multilateral export control regimes as a tool to protect the interests of Russian exporters. Российский внешнеэкономический вестник, (1), 44–55. извлечено от



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